
What is the current situation between China and the United States’ trade relations? Find out here

Estimated read time 3 min read

The latest data that were gathered on the US-China trade showed an indication that the latter is not entirely doing what it should be doing in terms of reducing its very excessive surpluses in purchasing American products that clearly hurt the latter’s economy even though both countries have been long trading partners since the 1970s.

China apparently declined Washington’s interference in its current trade policy and should proceed in a more unilateral way if it is necessary to square its trading accounts with the United States.

This is happening due to the ongoing protracted tariff battle that can severely damage its access to the markets in the United States leaving them without any advantage, as sources of technology and financial instruments that are in a dollar-dominated monetary system used worldwide which deeply affected the china us trade relations.

In an economic management level, China’s old systematic and its excessive trade surpluses with the United States cannot do anything on solving the issues in terms of savings. That alone is a simple identity in the national accounts that reflects Washington’s unforgivable negligence of a balanced growth as well as Beijing’s rapid and very aggressive one-sided pursuit in its economic development which ironically has been receiving a lot of help from investments coming from the United States and free technology transfers and open markets for both the products and services coming from China according to south china sea news.

China should be credited for its hard work to take advantage of their trade with the United States; however, they are now having a rude awakening that their surplus trade with the US will not last long because of President Donald Trump changed their policies in trade with China.

Because of this, it is now clear for Beijing to know that they are moving in reducing their dependence on the external demand with their trade partners as they give more importance to the domestic spending through effective growth vectors such as investing on poverty eradication, education, urbanization, infrastructure, and also widening their social welfare programs in the mainland China.

Also, they are very aggressive in providing loans to smaller neighboring countries such as a partnership in infrastructure and economy, despite getting the international backlash for unfair interests that comes with these partnerships.

In terms of investments, it could be true that the United States may have slowed down its trade adjustment processes with its unnecessary incursions into the economic legislation of China, however, it is not an excuse for their very low purchases of American products or the absence of the drastic cuts in Chinese exports for the markets in the United States.

This could get worse according to economic experts as Washington is very adamant in posting heftier tariffs to Chinese exports especially that Beijing will not seize its encroachment in the South China Sea.


Brain Teasers: A Tonic to the Brain

Estimated read time 3 min read

Have you ever experienced this feeling that a brain teaser kept on hogging your mind throughout the day? Well, if you have had an inclination towards getting involved into mind challenging puzzles and teasers every now and then you certainly know how it feels. It keeps engrossed, aimed, motivated and excited all the time unless you find a solution to it. And well, that makes you sharper, smarter towards the problems in your life. The brain teasers are fun ways of giving a rational way of thinking to your mind. There are different types of brain teasers and various levels of difficulties attached to these brain teasers that maintain the interest levels of different people from all across the world.

Here are some reasons that you should get involved into practicing and resolving more and more brain teasers to benefit your brains:

  1. brain teasersBoosts the activity levels of your brain:

When you try to solve a brain teaser you tend to get involved into a lot of activities of mind. Your mind becomes active towards finding the solution in various ways. For that phase of time, you tend to feel energetic, happy and thus all the negative and sluggish thoughts convert into positive mind energetic thoughts. Also we try to coordinate our thoughts with each other so that we can knit a web to trap the solution in our mind. Therefore, it is an amazing productive activity to play some brain teaser games or activities.

  1. Helps in dealing with depression:

As mentioned above, there are different levels of brain teaser questions. While some are simple, others are really difficult too. Let us connect it with the problem of depression. Depression generally occurs when we feel isolated and left out with our problems for a long period of time. The positive energy of the mind starts draining and we find lack of interest in everything around us. It can be with or without a reason too. But if we keep ourselves involved in some or the other brain teasers or brain games, we tend to throw a challenge to our mind. There is less time to feel lonely or isolated. At the same time, when we solve the problem we get a sense of achievement. When we do it in a group, we get the appreciation as well which is very much important for boosting the morale and overall mood of mind. Thus, we must consciously, time to time, involve ourselves as well as our children into solving some or the other brain teasers.

  1. Increases the retaining power of the memory:

It is a self explanatory point. As we try to resolve any problem, we tend to recollect all the facts as mentioned in the problem. We try to make a connection of various facts with each other and thus need to remember those connections too. This practice is actively useful in boosting the retaining power of the brain. if you feel that your forgetfulness is increasing day by day, you must resort into some interesting brain teaser activities.

There are various sources to find relevant and interesting brain teasers. You can buy books or download games or apps too that provide various brain teasers along with their answers. Internet is the best medium to find brain teasers and you can even share them on social media with your friends to make it more fun.


The three notable advantages of hiring a print professional to your business

Estimated read time 3 min read

When it comes to business, Information Technology (IT) solutions are very important to keep the operations optimal and productive especially in the marketing aspect of a business where communication to the market, customers, and the audiences can be very challenging especially if there are issues that need to be resolved right away.

One of the most common issues that are pretty hard to come up with an effective solution in a company or a business regardless of its size is the high-volume printing costs which are equally excessive and expensive that is why you might notice some incomplete advertising scheme and have in-house printing problems which a lot of these problems can easily be solved if you are just willing to adopt a managed print solution that is very effective when it comes to saving time and resources.

However, there are a lot of solutions to this single problem by first, identifying their future business plans for their respective businesses and also by identifying their printing needs through effective print solutions by hiring print professionals that are capable of Print and Workflow Solutions.

Print and Workflow Solutions

In fact, there are hundreds of professionals require the ability to come up with print materials that solely depends on their enterprise’s positions according to their specialized field. Unfortunately, it is only now that cloud print and document management have been noticed by business owners which could have helped them before considering that a lot of organizations regardless of the size stands a big benefit when it comes to print and workflow solution.

In order to identify the advantages of hiring a print professional who is capable of doing print and workflow solutions to a company, here are some of its most notable advantages listed in this article.

1.      Provides better printing material quality- First off, the best advantage that you can have in hiring a print professional capable of providing you a print and workflow solution is they already have the resources that are needed in order to get their job done. It can be seen in many ways, and the most basic one is having the quality of the paper they used. There are different types of printing papers that print professionals utilize in various projects that they handled

2.      They have the right knowledge and capability for this task- Majority of the clients’ search for print professionals because they are capable of offering you high-quality print workflow solutions compared to doing it on your own in your office. Print professionals provide you custom workflow solutions that will speed up productivity and other important projects for your company. They have the best equipment and have a specific set of skills and software that are needed to accomplish their job with efficiency and accuracy.

3.      Convenient and very productive- One of the most notable benefits that you can get from hiring print professionals is that they always uphold in serving convenience to their clients and one of that is by supplying quality print machines, the types of papers, and other printer supplies that are needed and they have the rudimentary knowledge of printing that your regular employees are incapable.


Keep Your Steam Roller Clean

Estimated read time 2 min read

I hadn’t even heard of what a steam roller was, in the context of a pipe anyways, until only just recently. I had seen small and big versions of them in the few years that I’ve been partaking in the kush, but I had no idea until about a couple months ago that that shape of pipe had its own very appropriate name. Since then, however, I have come to know that a steam roller is a very special thing that should only really reasonably be reserved for your veteran stoner buddies to pass around every once in a while.

Smoking out of one is more of a challenge, both mental and physical, a daring challenge that gets you goddamn blitzed, to enjoy with your friends and make some funny stories out of. I say that because smoking out of one is truly not that pleasant since it’s basically a waterless bong. By that I mean that the shape and size of it allows you to really milk your bowl and build up a huge amount of smoke at once, but the water isn’t there to cool it down, so for newcomers the heat and resulting throat irritation can be quite a surprise even if they’re used to hitting huge bowls in their bong. The least you could do to continue having great times sharing a steamroller with friends is keep it clean.

Keeping it clean doesn’t just make it much easier on the eyes, but it actually has a pretty big impact on the quality of the smoke you inhale out of it too. Still, the appearance of it is important in its own right. If you’re gonna save the steamroller for special occasions, you at least want to impress everyone with it when you pull it out and it looks brand new every time right? Besides that, keeping it clean will maintain the highest quality of flavor in every hit, so everyone can at least enjoy the taste of it before hacking out a lung. If that’s not enough to convince you, just think for a second about how much easier it is to clean than a regular little pipe. The shape of it makes it so easy to soak and scrub that there’s really no excuse not to wash it out at least every week or two.


Benefits of using Bolted Water Tanks

Estimated read time 4 min read

Do you have trouble finding a storage facility for your grains? Could you be working for a water company and you are currently looking for a storage space? If the answer is yes then you have just landed in the right place. This article is all about bolted tanks and why they are a good choice for you. Below are some of the benefits you get from using bolted water tanks.

Long-term storage

bolted tanks

Using a bolted water tank means having a storage facility that will be around for a long period of time. This is because the tanks are usually made of steel, which is always durable and can stand the test of time therefore they are able to serve you for a long time.

Has may uses

Well, as the name suggests, one might be tempted to think that bolted water tanks are always used for water storage alone. Yes, they can be used for water storage but they can be used for other things too. Bolted water tanks can be used as food storage facilities or silos, they can be used as chemical storage in industries or even as a storage facility for firefighting equipment.


With bolted water tanks, you can be sure that you are using a quality product. This is because they usually meet a lot of government standards. The bolted water tanks are always constructed to meet the AWWA and NFPA specifications. This makes them more superior than their counterparts the welded steel tanks.


Bolted water tanks are usually resistant to any forces of nature hence cannot be affected by any weather condition. You can take a look at how they are engineered here. They are also resistant to fire and cannot be eaten away by termites. This also helps in increasing the durability of the tank and since it is resistant to almost everything, you can always be sure that whatever is inside is safe.

Competitively priced

These tanks are usually affordable and this makes them to be easily accessed to be used for storing purposes. It can be used for both the industrial and commercial purposes. Bolted water tanks have also been found to be highly hygienic and water stored in them are have almost zero chances of being contaminated and spreading any water-borne diseases.


When using bolted water tanks, you won’t have to worry about where you will dispose it off when the time comes. Bolted water tanks can be recycled and this helps in saving both energy and water because of the easy disposal systems. Well, some rust might be seen in some areas with time but you don’t have to worry about this because steel has a sturdy nature hence your tank will never fail.

Cost saving installation

This is true because with the bolted water tanks, we’ve seen some innovations being made in relation to their installation and construction. These tanks can store almost anything in bulk for industrial purposes for a long time. This is seen as one of the great improvements on bolted water tanks over welded or concrete tanks. They also have minimal manufacturing and installation time. Bolted water tanks also has some enamel coating and with this, you won’t have to think about repainting. They also give you the ability to customize the roof systems with regards to what you want to store inside them. Bolted tanks are also easy to maintain when it comes to industrial storage purposes.

Huge storage capacity

Maybe this was the main reason why people decided to come up with bolted water tanks. They practically can offer you a storage capacity of up to 2.5 million gallons. Besides, when steel is subjected to heat and pressure it usually expands. This also helps in ensuring a large storage capacity to hold large quantities of anything. This is seen as a major advantage over riveted tanks and if they are well manufactured and installed with proper standards, they can last up to about 50 to 60 years.

These are just some of the advantages you can get when you decide to use bolted water tanks for your storage purposes over the concrete or welded tanks. These tanks can also be repaired in case of any defects while they are still in use. The installation process usually takes a short time and is also easy. Try using bolted water tanks today and you will not regret the experience.


Pallavi Chhelavda- The Importance Of Vastu Shastra & Fend Shui For Your Home

Estimated read time 3 min read

Your home is your haven and when it comes to your health and well-being it does play a vital role in your life. When you move into a new home, you expect it to be peaceful and soothing. After all, at the end of a hard day’s work, it is important to you to come back to the abode of peace. However, at times you will find that once you have built or even moved into a new home, misfortune befalls you or takes over your life. In case, such a situation does take place, you do not have to worry for your whole life. There are holistic practices and remedies available under Vastu Shastra or Feng Shui to help you bring back lost luck, love and laughter!

Pallavi Chhelavda


Pallavi Chhelavda- An expert consultant in Vastu Shastra& Feng Shui!

Pallavi Chhelavda is an expert consultant in Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui with over 26 years of invaluable experience in the field. She says that both forms of architectural science are effective when it comes to the health and the prosperity of your home. She says that many people from all walks of life visit her on a daily basis. She listens to their concerns and issues and suggests Vastu and Feng Shui remedies that gradually transform the fate of their lives. She says that architecture and the laws of the Universe need to be balanced for a peaceful life. She adds that if you follow this science of architecture, you effectively are able to remove hindrances and obstacles from your life in the form of negative energies. She says that you can have an upbeat life and live in harmony with nature. This also means that you effectively are able to stop negative forces from entering your home and create an environment of peace, love and prosperity.

Difference between Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

She explains that there is a subtle difference in Feng Shui and Vastu. Both are equally effective for your home. She first listens to the queries and the concerns of her clients before they recommend solutions based on Vastu or Feng Shui. She says that Vastu is one of the oldest ancient forms of architectural science and it is based on rules, directions and regulations that were laid down in detail by Vedic sages. According to these sages, they consider a home to be a living soul with life force that is known as prana. Feng Shui, on the other hand is a Chinese form of the science of architecture that deals with the whole idea of living in harmony with nature. Vastu is generally based on science and Feng Shui on traditions and geographical locations she says.

Pallavi Chhelavda says that she counsels her clients as per their needs. She says that when it comes to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui many people have queries and concerns. She clarifies their doubts and concerns with care and compassion so that they can bring in the desired changes in their life with her tips and suggestions.


The Life Cycle Of A Crowdfunding Campaign

Estimated read time 3 min read

By now, many people in India have become aware of the existence of crowdfunding, and have at least a vague idea of what it means. There is less know how about how crowdfunding works, and the great Indian middle-class still needs to be convinced about why they should try crowdfunding when they face a medical emergency, want to do good in their communities, or have a creative or artistic project to sponsor. This scenario is slowly changing, with a growing number of crowdfunding enthusiasts running successful campaigns on crowdfunding platforms in India and setting good examples for how crowdfunding needs to be done.

Although similar concepts may also be executed through mail-order subscriptions, benefit events, and other methods, the word crowdfunding refers to Internet-mediated registries. This modern crowdfunding model is generally based on three kinds of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded, individuals or groups who support the idea, and a moderating organization that brings the parties together to launch the idea. Crowdfunding has been used to fund a wide selection of for-profit entrepreneurial ventures such as artistic and creative projects, medical expenses, travel, or community-oriented social entrepreneurship projects

The top best practice related to crowdfunding has to do with how and when the campaign should be promoted on social media. Crowdfunding success and social media strategizing are inseparably linked, because this mode of fundraising depends largely on harnessing the power of your crowd, your network, to rake in generous donations.

What happens when a campaign goes live?

Observation of crowdfunding campaigns, both medical and social, has shown that there are distinct stages of every campaign’s life cycle. The first 20% of donations, which usually comes from people the campaigner knows well in the real world, is gathered quickly, often within a week or ten days of the campaign going live. This is the time when social media sharing, especially on Facebook, should ideally begin, with less intimate friends, acquaintances, friends of friends, co-workers, neighbours, and those friends and relatives you have fallen out of touch with can be roped into your cause. When this rather large group of potential donors visits your fundraiser page, they can see that some donations have already come in, and this generally encourages contributors to give in turn. This phase of fundraising has been reported by ardent campaigners to be tedious, and progress relatively slow. The fundraiser again picks up momentum when over 75% of the target has been met.

Social media: The role it plays

Social media sharing ensures that by this time a wide circle of people the campaigner knows by a few degrees of social separation will have been told about the crowdfunding project from a credible source. People are much more likely to give if a trusted individual asks them to. Toward the close of a fundraiser, donors tend to flock to the campaign and often give enough that the target is surpassed.

The intelligent campaigner leverages the power of social media smartly and literally moves crowds to meet their fundraising goals. Donors respond empathetically, they pool funds to address needs and contribute by developing the culture of giving India so desperately needs.


Jim Byrne KCOY Weatherman- Difference Between A Climatologist & Meteorologist

Estimated read time 3 min read

When it comes to the study of weather patterns, you will find that both climatologists and meteorologists are very popular. Both are scientists that study the atmosphere and predict the weather. However, both are not the same as meteorologists specialize on weather conditions that are short-term and climatologists focus on weather conditions that are long term. When it comes to the issue of global warming, you will find that there is a difference between meteorologists and climatologists.

Jim Byrne KCOY Weatherman- Understand the how weather and climate changes are measured

Jim Byrne, is a popular weatherman at KCOY and he says that when it comes to studying the climate and weather both these scientists use satellite and radar data. He is well known in his field and has been the consulting meteorologist with Weather Channel Program. He has been the Chief Meteorologist for KCOY CBS- 12and a freelance weekend meteorologist at NBC Bay Area. He is from Dublin however now he resides in Santa Maria in California. The Jim Byrne KCOY Weatherman team of experts use computer models that are sophisticated in nature to predict the changes in the weather. Jim Byrne says that when it comes to the prediction of the weather and climate on radio and television, it is very important for the weatherman to have very good communication skills.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics state that there are two kinds of meteorologists- the meteorologists that appear on TV and radio are known as broadcast meteorologists. They prepare the weather forecasts and deliver them on news programs for television and radio. The second type of meteorologists are research meteorologists that work for colleges and the government. They collect and they analyze the data while they produce these forecasts.

Climatologists are also called climate scientists and they study the present and past weather patterns to predict trends for the long-run. They examine and predict the changes in precipitation or temperature and they are employed in government offices, research firms and educational institutions.

Differences in their work

He says that when it comes to the key differences between the meteorologists and climatologists, they lie in the time approaches when it comes to the study and the examination of weather and climatic trends. Meteorologists predict weather forecasts that will predict the weather for a short period of time like about seven to ten days. On the other hand, climatologists employ a perspective that is long-term in nature. They develop and they examine models that are used for the prediction of weather changes and patterns that are to occur or take place in the months or even years to come.

The Jim Byrne KCOY Weatherman team work together to bring viewers the changes in rain or climate that is likely to take place in a day or two. He says that a climatologist will predict the changes in the patterns of the climate- they will predict whether people in a specific geographical location will experience more or less rainfall on an average in the forthcoming years to come.


The power of LED signs, Read to know!

Estimated read time 3 min read

Advertising has gone through 360-degree shift and as a result new ways are coming up through which you can send across the message to targeted customers. Well, in this piece of annotation, is about LED signs as we all well aware of the LED signs and it goes without  saying that it has become great trend. It helps you to improve the sales and at the same time, it will help you improve the sales and at the same time, it will increase the awareness of the product.

power of LED signs

The best part  of outdoor the signage can be applied  for any kind of  business and it is one of the best way to propagate especially for small and medium business  without  investing much money as well. It goes without saying that these LED signs are one of the easiest ways to catch attention therefore it is cheaper option and this is why it becomes important to choose the right option as this will certainly help you to take up things in the best way possible.

It is indeed one of the powerful ways to send across the message without investing much investment, as this will certainly help you to take up things in the best way. If you are still thinking on how to choose the right option, then it becomes important to take up things in the best way  and to help you have better understanding here we bring you some of the points that will help you  recognize the importance of the LED signs.

Why you should use the signs!

  • Bright and vibrant: According the colour psychology humans are innately attracted towards the colour thus it become easy to  catch the attention  and as a result it will help you to choose the right option and your product will be seen.
  • Cost effectiveness: it is one of the most economical way through which you can choose the right option and it is indeed one of the best option for the mid-level and small-scale business, as this will help you to take up things in the best way.
  • Versatile: it goes without that it is indeed one of the most dynamic medium when it comes to finding  the best service provider  thus it becomes important to choose the right option therefore it becomes important to take up things in the best way possible.

 These are a few thus it becomes important to choose the right option so that you can get it done in the best way possible and it becomes important to choose the best possible way as this will certainly help you  take up things  and you can easily  improve your business.



Estimated read time 3 min read

A few years ago, there was no concept of motivational speaking sessions. The motivational speaker or inspirational speaker is someone who makes speeches in front of the audience in order to inspire or motivate them. The idea may be to challenge or change the school of thought of various audiences. In an informal way, we can call it as a pep talk. Today motivational speakers are hired from schools to different business entities. The aim is basically to release the ever-increasing stress of the audience.


As already mentioned, nobody knew motivational speakers a few years back. But today, they are not only becoming popular but also are the highly paid profession today. However, it is not easy to become a motivational speaker now. Today, there are a lot of steps you need to follow before considering yourself a speaker. You need to have a sound education. You must have years of experience in a relative field. You should have a sound character as well. There are a lot of educational degrees that will help you become one of the greatest motivational speakers.


People are more interested in knowing success stories of various icons of their field. And what else do you want if you here their stories directly from them? A lot of successful professionals, after having earned their names in their own field are now inspiring the audiences through their speaking session. Sports motivational speakers are one of the most liked in this category. As they usually are favorites of the lot, therefore people not only get the chance to their heroes but also get know their success stories as well. They get to know what was the motivational factor behind their heroes that made them what they today.


Sports motivational speakers are most liked by young children. Just, for instance, someone who wants to be the professional cricketer in the future can learn a lot from the motivational speaking session of a former cricketer. It is quite obvious that when a person sees examples of different renowned professionals, he gets a lot of motivation from it. In some cases, this is the only factor that people lack to be successful. Young generations learn a lot in terms of moral values. Consider an example, an athlete who made a mistake during his career, which resulted in losing his career. A young athlete can learn from his mistake as he has a living example in front of him.


In the recent world, a lot of charity foundations use these sessions to accumulate a lot of funds. Sports after dinner speakers are most widely used for this purpose. Sports after dinner speaker sessions are usually held in a way that organizations arrange dinner and after dinner, there will be speaking session from a sports professional. This is the most widely used procedure for attracting the audience.