
Tips on How to Clean Doors and Windows

Estimated read time 3 min read

Want to know how to clean doors and windows? Well, you have come to the right place and before you complete reading this piece you will be an expert cleaner. If you have PVC Oakville windows & doors, this piece will be more relevant to you. This is because PVC doors and windows are hard to clean and if not handled well, they may end up in bad state. Besides, windows and doors made of vinyl are becoming more popular among homeowners and they are quickly replacing traditional options such as wood.

There are many reasons why we are seeing an influx in vinyl windows and doors. These units are low maintenance, durable and easy to install. So, that means they save on money and time as well. Unlike wood materials, vinyl doesn’t need regular polishing to look great. Total Home Oakville advise homeowners to consider the following tips when cleaning their Oakville windows & doors.

  1. Vacuuming

Ensure that you regularly vacuum your doors and windows around the vents and the vents where dirt often settles. Do not leave any side unvacuumed, so take your time to clean all. Leaving some parts uncleaned gives chances of having dirt accumulating in the windows, which can become difficult to remove.

This dirt can also block them, causing difficulty when operating your Oakville doors & windows. The difficulty causes the application of excessive force, which can cause damage to these appliances.

  1. Washing with a Soft Towel

One of the most efficient ways of taking care of your PVC doors and windows during cleaning is the use of a soft cloth. It preserves the texture and the glossy finish of your appliances, making them remain attractive for a long time.


Abrasive scrubs, on the other hand, scratch their coatings, exposing them to elements and ruining their beautiful appearance.

When using a soft cloth to clean your doors and windows, make sure you use clean soapy water, preferably warm. It makes sure all the grease and dirt is cleaned, and that no ugly lines are left behind.

  1. Dry Using a Soft Dry Sponge

To avoid water retention on your window frames and doors, use a kitchen towel or a dry sponge to absorb water after cleaning. Rub it on your windows or doors, and make sure the piece is absorbent to absorb as much fluid as possible.
Alternatively, you can use a DIY window cleaner to avoid soaking your windows or doors in water. Mix vinegar and water in the ratio of 1:3. Use a spraying bottle to apply it to your windows and doors and wait for about three minutes. Use your soft dry sponge to rub it. This method saves time and leaves your appliances looking shiny.


Always have regular cleaning to your PVC Oakville doors & windows to avoid having a tough time during cleaning.

When choosing cleaning agents, avoid using bleaches and harsh cleaning products. They make your appliances become faded, ruin their finishes, and exposes them to damage-causing elements.

Now you have your answer on how to clean doors and windows.


Five Things to Consider When Upsizing your home in Dubai

Estimated read time 3 min read

In the recent past, upsizing seems like a natural progression for homeownership. People are taking advantage of the low property prices to move into bigger spaces. The feeling of moving into a bigger house could be liberating especially if you were squeezed in a small space for too long.

If you are planning to upsize, there are several villas for sale in Dubai. When buying any off plan property dubai, it is good to consult top Dubai real estate agencies to get the best deals. Currently, various new projects in Dubai are expected to be completed soon.

Here are factors to consider before moving to a bigger house:

    Why you need more space

Before making any decisions, you should consider why you need more space. Is it going to be the solution to your needs? For instance, if your family has expanded than when you moved in, relocating to a bigger house may be a good option.

home in Dubai

    The amount of space you need to add

If upsizing is still the right option for you, you should consider exactly how much space you need to add. Upsizing does not necessarily mean going for twice the current size. Smaller changes like an extra bedroom or a larger open plan living space can make significant differences.

    The added costs

Even though you will get more space, a bigger house comes with a bunch of other costs that you may not have incurred in your previous property. You will have to consider whether your income will be able to manage the larger mortgage. Apart from the mortgage, a large house may come with other expenses such as insurance, power and water bills among others.

    Upkeep and maintenance

One thing that most people fail to consider is the amount of work involved in running a larger house. Since there is more space to clean, you will be spending more time than you used to in your previous house. If the house comes with a garden, lawn or a pool, you will be spending a significant portion of your time doing the chores.

    Alternatives to upsizing

Before deciding to upsize, it is good to consider other alternatives. For instance, can renovation help to achieve similar results? However, you have to consider whether the cost of renovation exceeds the cost of buying a larger house.

In the recent past, upsizing seems like a natural progression for homeownership. People are taking advantage of the low property prices to move into bigger spaces. The feeling of moving into a bigger house could be liberating especially if you were squeezed in a small space for too long. If you are planning to upsize, there are several villas for sale in Dubai. When buying any off plan property dubai, it is good to consult Zoom Property to get the best deals. Currently, various new projects in Dubai are expected to be completed soon.


Smart Cameras Double Up The Security Of Your Home

Estimated read time 3 min read

The fact that people today are accepting digital technology. The living today is gradually dominated by modernity that makes almost everything turned out electronic. For example, house cleaners become robotics. Robotic vacuum cleaners can maintain the cleanliness of the house without your guidance. Now, the same with the security guards. Homeowners today rely on the safety of their property to security cameras. Security guards are still in demand today, but nothing can beat the capability of a security camera wherein it can keep an eye wide large spaces and multiple people around. Buyers must make a comparison between Arlo Pro 3 vs Arlo Ultra. Arlo is a good brand when speaking of a smart security system. 

Comparing Arlo models

Arlo has been gaining popularity when speaking of smart security cameras. Residential and commercial are looking for the brand to install for security purposes. Now, if you are interested in how these brands work. You must make a comparison between the two models of Arlo, visit your url here.

Arlo Pro 3 is a portable and nice design. It has a simple and oblong shape that makes it easy to place on any part of the property. Check the features of this model:

Arlo Pro 3 vs Arlo Ultra

  • Wireless
  • Two-way talk
  • Live stream
  • With 2K resolution
  • With 160° field of view
  • Clear night vision
  • With LED Spotlight
  • With siren on camera
  • With smart recognition
  • A second option for an outdoor camera

Arlo Ultra is a portable smart security camera with an aesthetic design. The same with Arlo Pro 3, it is an oblong shape. Check the features of this Arlo model here:

  • Wireless
  • Two-way talk
  • Live stream
  • With 4K resolution
  • With 180° field of view
  • Clear night vision
  • With LED Spotlight
  • With siren on camera
  • With smart recognition
  • The perfect outdoor camera

What makes these high-quality models a perfect choice?

Security cameras are best-selling, especially smart ones. With the advancement of technology, many people are interested and enticed on how these devices give satisfaction to their capability. No wonder, the world is gradually embracing the digital world up to robotics. But, nothing can beat the minds of humans, although these technologies are on-trend nowadays. It only helps people make lives simpler with their help and advantages. Now, if you want to have are reliable security on your property while you are not around, install smart security cameras. It will be of great help. 

How is the price?

Arlo Pro 3 is much cheaper than Arlo Ultra. Although both offer good performance, still there is a difference in the prices. Why? There is always a so-called “Price is Right” of the best camera. So, Arlo Ultra has a high price compared to Arlo Pro 3. However, both are good models of Arlo, it only differs on the date of making since Arlo Pro 3 is the old one compared to Arlo Ultra, which is the latest.


Windows and Doors Company Myths

Estimated read time 3 min read

When it comes to windows and doors company Edmonton, there are many myths surrounding windows and doors. The main discussion nowadays revolves around means of saving money and utilities in your home. Undoubtedly, you have come across various information concerning whether doors and windows replacement is worth undertaking when one aims to save money.

In this article we intend to propose and debunk some of the truths and myths surrounding this concern by homeowners. This will enable you come up with informed decisions when time comes for replacing your windows and doors Edmonton. Take a look here

Getting New Windows Doesn’t Save On Energy Utility Bills.

This is one of the myths that is spread widely and some homeowners seem to buy it without trying or even looking for advice from professionals. Jeffrey Lowinski, who is former vice president of doors and windows manufacturer association says that it is true that replacing your old windows and doors with energy efficient units cuts down your energy bills considerably. Currently, most homeowners I Edmonton have single pane windows. If the homeowners could replace them with double pane windows, they could save a lot of money on energy utility bills which is estimated to be twenty million dollars. The reason behind this argument is that, if your windows can hold well during the winter and summer, you will not need to keep your HVAC system running all the time to keep your home comfortable to live. In addition, you will not need to put on your furnace.

The Cost Of Doors And Windows Is Higher Than What A Homeowner Will Save.

While we don’t deny that replacing your Edmonton windows and doors is a considerable investment, it is, without a doubt a valuable one. This is usually noticed in the long-run. If you choose windows and doors that are energy efficient, you will definitely save a considerable amount of money in terms of month heating and cooling bills. It is estimated that homeowners save up to twenty percent when they install new energy efficient doors and windows.

The new replacement doors and windows will serve you for many years to come. These elements are normally created to resist extreme weather elements, insects, and corrosion. If you ensure that the U-value is high, there will be less water and air infiltration and sooner than later, you wills start seeing your ROI. Always call a windows and doors company Edmonton to inspect your home and tell you the way forward.

windows and doors EdmontonDoors And Windows Repairs Are Better Than Replacements.

Many people have already bought this myth. However, what they might not know is that it is not true. Unless the windows and doors Edmonton Company has inspected your doors and windows and found out that there are only small fixtures needed, you shouldn’t opt for repairs when your windows fail. Remember that the reason for getting new windows is to leave the problems with the old windows and enjoy the benefits that come with the new windows. That is not possible if you continue keeping the old windows. In addition, repeated repairs could end up being too expensive than doing complete replacements.


Factors and Sources of a Leaky Foundation

Estimated read time 3 min read

It’s quite common to see many homeowners complaining about leaky foundation or basement. However, it’s not always related to improper construction or occurrence of extraordinary catastrophe. Rather sometimes, it might be the result of time and nature forces that directly affected the home’s foundation and led to worse conditions like leaking basement.

Also, leakage has nothing to do with the type of foundation as well. It may occur to any foundation be it masonry or poured concrete. Yes, everything associated with a  can be referred to a crawl space as well, which is actually a short basement albeit with a leaky foundation dirty floor. So, it’s crucial to get the basement checked as soon as it starts to leak. Initially, there might be some natural causes to the problem but if things are fine from that aspect, then it would surely some sort of disruption or flaws in the structure. So, let’s dig deeper and know the common causes of leakage in the basement.

Factors Behind Basement

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: The first and one of the obvious causes of a leaky foundation or basement is water that is everywhere in the ground. It doesn’t matter if the area is dry or humid, its ground still has a water level that used to exert pressure on the home’s foundation. This level is called the water table whose location varies from one area to the other. However, its height is determined by the proximity to water bodies.

leaky foundation

  • Lateral Pressure: The area surrounding a home’s foundation between the surface and footings also has the ability to absorb water- opposed to the normal weather when it should drain. Loan, sand and other types of soils are pretty fast at draining. They do not absorb much water while those similar to clay soil have higher water absorption rate. The situation gets worse when the 10 feet wide area around the home has less compact soil. It was the original foundation excavation site that was backfilled afterwards. Upon expansion, the soil creates sideways or lateral pressure against the foundation, leading to severe causes to the foundation and causing leakage.
  • Window Wells: The third cause of seepage in the foundation house Toronto is window well that is different from ground water pressure. Window wells give a passage to air and light to seep into the basement. It causes water to accumulate in the area, especially at the time of heavy rain when the drain is broken or clogged.

Sources of Basement Leaks

Other than that, in order to know the sources of basement leaks, homeowners have to start by identifying their impact on the home’s foundation.

  • Floor Cracks: Since basement floors are made up of poured concrete having 2 to 4 inches depth, there is no structural strength that owners could rely upon.
  • Cover Joint: The place where the poured concrete floor connects with the wall is called the cover joint. It may lose its place as the result of hydrostatic pressure.
  • Wall Cracks: There might be non-structural cracks on the poured concrete walls that are either caused by the lateral pressure or dropping or minor settling of the foundation.

Comparing Double And Triple Pane Edmonton Windows

You are at crossroads where you are not sure which option is best for your home. You have found yourself between two hard rocks, and you are not sure whether to choose double pane or triple pane Edmonton windows. Window replacement is a significant process, and you want to make sure that you get everything right from the start; otherwise, it can disappoint you.

However, since there are a variety of window styles I market today; it makes it hard for homeowners to choose from so many options available. But for now, we will pay attention to two main types; double and triple pane windows in Edmonton, Alberta.

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Double and Triple Pane Windows.

There is a lot of hearsay circulating about double and triple pane Edmonton windows. The hearsay is about the best option between the two. To know which the ideal option is, you have to know the pros and cons of each style.

Every home is unique, and that throws the debate about which is the best one for you, and now the debate should be, which the best option for your home is.

  1. The Cost Factor.

Even if you are a novice when it comes to windows and doors Edmonton, at least you should know that triple-pane windows are more expensive than double pane windows. That answers why more homeowners choose double pane windows-many people can afford it.

On the other hand, triple pane windows are more costly, but you can be sure you are getting the most superior style of the window since it comes with an extra pane which comes in handy when it comes to energy efficiency and natural lighting of your home

  1. Energy Saving Factor.

Probably the second factor homeowners consider after the cost. If you are more concerned about saving some money on energy bills, you need to go for the most energy-efficient option.

Triple pane Edmonton windows are more energy-efficient compared to double pane windows. You can expect a considerable cut on energy utility bills of up to 90%

  1. What You Get When You Choose Triple Pane Windows?

We have said triple pane windows cost more than double pane windows. But what do you get by paying the extra money? Well, don’t think you are being scammed by paying more since triple-pane windows are going to give you more advantages than double-paned windows.

Some of the extra benefits you get are a reduction in condensation in your home, especially during the cold months. This will definitely lead to low energy consumption and low utility bills.

Triple pane Edmonton windows will also boost the value of your home. This will undoubtedly come in handy when you decide to sell your property.

  1. Why Not Both.

Well, you are not obliged to install only one style of window in your entire home. You can have a mix of the two styles. If you decide to use both window styles, install triple-pane windows where they will realise the highest energy saving in your home. For instance, you can install them in the east-facing and north-facing rooms.


How to Choose the Best Paint Colour for Your Exterior Doors Edmonton

Estimated read time 3 min read

Are you renovating your home or are you thinking about renovating it next year? Whether you are carrying out a huge renovation project or you are making minor touch-ups, painting your entry doors Edmonton can have an immense impact on the general look of your home. The shade of the paint you choose can make all the difference, and as such, it is essential to make sure you choose the right colour for your exterior doors.

However, selecting the right colour is not as easy as many homeowners think. Though it might sound simple to you, when you start selecting the colour, it is when you know things on the ground are quite different. With so many paint colours to choose from, it is easy to get lost in the colours and find yourself unable to choose one particular shade. Read on to learn more on how to choose the best colour, especially after exterior door installation.

  1. Create an Impact.

Your exterior doors Edmonton are the first elements that people see when they come to your home, and you can utilise that to your advantage. The first impression matters and one of the best ways to create it is by having tasteful and stylish exterior doors in your home.

Choose something colourful to catch people’s attention. Don’t go for colours that are too bright, as they may put them off. It is essential to balance things.

  1. Play On Emotions.

Colours evoke emotions, and that is a reality that you should take advantage of when selecting entry doors Edmonton for your home. If you want to create a bold impression, then you can choose red shades. However, if you think this is too strong for you, you can go for darker colours of maroon or auburn. Yellow colour symbolises happiness, and it is an excellent shade for cheerfully ushering in guests in your home. Lime, teal and turquoise are also energetic, and modern shades that give a fresh breath to the entire exterior of your home.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid To Go Traditional.

Sometimes you don’t have to go too extreme. Sometimes sticking to the traditional does all the trick. Black, grey and white are standard tones for exterior doors Edmonton and makes an excellent option for a more classic appearance.

  1. Consider Your Home’s Personality.

The shade you opt for your exterior doors may be determined by the type and style of your house. For example, a Tudor and a Victorian home will look great with classic colours such as white and black, while a Mediterranean villa looks great with bold colours. Consider the material and colour combination that is used in your home and your exterior yard, and also the state of your home, then select a shade that complements your home’s personality.

  1. Do Your Homework.

Some colours complement each other while others don’t. So, so your homework to know which colours complement each other and ones that clash, to do so, you can use a colour wheel.


Steel Vs. Fiberglass Doors: Which Is the Best Option for Your Home?

Your entry door carries a lot of meaning than anything in your home. It is the main thing your visitors see after the landscaping and the exterior paint of your home. It sets the first impression people get about your home, and that is why it is such an essential element in your home. Another thing is that your front door enhances the safety of your home. The would-be criminals would be motivated to break through a front door that appears outdated and wrecked. Your brand new steel or fiberglass doors send a message that criminals should stay away from your home. Anyway, who doesn’t want to keep his family safe and protected?

So, to choose the best front door, there are various options you need to consider. For instance, what will make you choose exterior fiberglass doors over steel doors? It will all revolve on the following aspects. Let’s take a peek.

  1. Steel Doors.

Some decades ago, if you dared ask someone concerning the best exterior door to use in homes, they will tell you wood without a second thought. Fiberglass and steel was not something that many people thought would be common at one time. However, over the years, we have witnessed fading of wood as the main entry door, and steel and fiberglass doors are slowly replacing it.

Steel Vs. Fiberglass Doors

There are some similarities that steel share with fiberglass;

  • The two materials are resistant to weather and external elements.
  • They require little upkeep after the installation.
  • They offer enhanced energy efficiency, and that implies you would be able to save more with time.
  • They are also less expensive when compared to wood.

Though both door styles are mostly used for commercial purposes, the recent studies show that steel doors tales almost half of the market share. Some of the main reasons why people choose steel doors over exterior doors include;

  • Inexpensive- when compared to fiberglass and wood exterior doors, steel doors are pretty cheaper.
  • When installed, they don’t need regular maintenance.
  • They are strong and hence more secure since they are built with robust material that can last for decades, and that is why it is preferred for commercial purposes.
  • They are also weather resistant. They don’t need to be stained now and then like wood doors, and the weather elements have little impact on them.

However, steel doors have some drawbacks. For instance, if they are damaged, they are hard to repair. If they get scratched and the owner doesn’t notice they may get rust.

One thing that is making steel windows quite popular in residential properties is that manufacturers are starting to manufacture them in wood grain. These windows come in various textures and can be painted in any colour you need, and finishes. So, when you overserve them from far, you may think that they are made of wood.

  1. Fiberglass

There are justifications why many homeowners opt for exterior doors as their top choice when it comes to entry doors. These doors have all the advantage of steel doors and go an extra notch to limit the disadvantages that come with steel.

They closely resemble real wood. Steel doors have tried to use wood grain to mimic would, but they have not managed to resemble it as fiberglass does. Nowadays, you can mistake fiberglass with would even with closer observation.

Some benefits that come with exterior fiberglass doors include;

  • The doors are stained to appear like the actual wood. It is an excellent choice in case you are planning to repaint the exterior of your home.
  • It is rust free- the problem of rusting is quite a common scenario with steel doors. With fiberglass, you are guaranteed 100% rust-free. It is also low maintenance.
  • Lightweight and quiet- compared with the steel doors, fiberglass is quite lightweight. This is one aspect you should think about if you are installing the window for a senior, or someone with a disability. Steel doesn’t produce noise when opening or when being closed.
  • Doesn’t warp, crack or peel off- this is a common problem with wood. Fiberglass is quite resistant to weather elements.
  • Offers enhanced curb appeal.

Windows in Fort St. John Companies: How to Choose the Right Company

Estimated read time 3 min read

Are you planning to replace your windows in Fort St. John in the coming spring? Now is the right time to makes some decisions concerning the right company to work in your renovation project. The company to choose with determines to a great extend the success of your project. So, it is essential to get it right from the start.

However, as opposed to what many homeowners think, getting the right company in Fort St. John to work with is not an easy task. There things you need to consider before you choose any specific company. Before you make your final decision, here are some aspects you should ponder closely. Click to read more here.

  •  Ask About Certification and Licensing.

For any company to qualify to operate, it should have proper certification and license. Ensure that the company you want to choose has updated certificates. That way, you will be on the safe side since the company will not disappear into the thick thicket before the project is completed. You will be able to call the contractor and correct any problem in case you are not satisfied with the work done.

  • Verify Experience and Expertise.

It is essential to know what experience and expertise the windows replacement company will bring to your project. Even if the company is not old in the field, the experience that the employees bring is essential. Remember that is not about how long the company has been replacing windows in Fort St. John, but the years of experience the contractor and the employees bring on the table.

When it comes to experience, check how many windows replacement projects they have completed in the past. Focus mainly on the residential windows since you need residential window replacement. Some companies focus on either commercial or residential replacements.

  • The Reputation of The Company.

Always browse through the website of the company to see what people are saying about their experience with the company. You will come across some customers with a horrible experience with the company. But, sincerely, you cannot satisfy everyone. So, look at the other feedbacks from other clients and see if they faced the same issue. If there are several customers with the same complaints, stay safe by looking for another company.

  • Discuss the Styles of Windows the Company Has.

Probably you need different replacement windows in Fort St. Jon styles. Ask whether the company has the style of windows that you want to use for your replacements. The company might have different styles of windows. So, it is also important to get help from your contractor to advise you on the best window style to use in your home. By comparing the pros and cons of different styles, you would be able to get one ideal for your home.


Things Plumber Etobicoke Wish You Shouldn’t Do

Estimated read time 3 min read

Plumbers Etobicoke is a handy lot. They pay more attention to the elements they work with and around. Most of them a quite strict, have that business-like attitude and execute their duties with a lot of professionality and dedication. Anyway, that is all expected in all careers.

That is why when they work on it, they get it right the first time, and that is why we live in a healthy environment and happier lives. As that sticks in your mind, you shouldn’t forget that plumbers are human beings, just like you, and as such, there are some things we do that makes them angry. We interviewed some plumbers who have been in the plumbing field for years and compiled these things here. You can also click for more info.

  1. Using Your Toilet as All Purpose Waste Disposal Bin.

There are some people out there who use their toilets as all-purpose disposal units. Some dispose feminine hygienic products, food, scrubbers, cat litter etc. in the toilet. Disposing of these products in your toilet causes regular blockages to your toilet, and you find yourself calling a plumber in Etobicoke to unclog your toilet. So, stop it now.

  1. Use Caustic Drain Cleaners.

It is not recommended to use drain cleaners to unclog your toilet since they utilise harsh, corrosive chemicals to penetrate through the clogs. Continuous use of these dangerous chemicals can end up costing you a lot of money in the long-run when you decide to do replacements of some parts of your plumbing system that is destroyed by the caustic cleaners. To be on the safe side, cease from using these products to unclog your toilet rather call a plumber Etobicoke to do the work for you. He knows how to unclog your toilet safely without interfering with it.

  1. Try To DIY.

This is a really appealing option for most homeowners. Well, your guess is right; it is cheaper since you don’t have to pay for someone to do it for you. However, the sign of an excellent DIY is understanding when to sit back and call a professional plumber Etobicoke to handle the work. It is not advisable to DIY, especially when it comes to handling plumbing issues in your home-unless you want to fix the problem and later call a professional to correct your fixes. These are unnecessary expenses that you shouldn’t pay for. So, the way out is to call professional plumbers in Etobicoke whenever you need your pipes to be fixed. Don’t try DIY unless you are a professional yourself.

  1. Ignore Problems.

Some homeowner usually turns a blind eye to plumbing problems when they make considerations of what is needed to fix them. But you cannot run away from reality. These problems escalate, and you end up incurring more expenses that you couldn’t if you called a plumber Etobicoke earlier to fix the problems.

  1. Overload Disposal.

Some people utilise the toilet well but overload it. When you see pilling of waste, use grease or celery to take it down.