Strategies On Making A Safer Working Environment

Estimated read time 3 min read

When it comes to establishing a business, it’s important not just to make sure your business prospers, but to also ensure your workers and employees are able to work properly and safely to earn their living. A working environment that is safe and risk-free from accidents is something that everyone wants to achieve, and while accidents do happen all the time, achieving a safer working environment isn’t impossible. It may however take time and planning to do so.

According to the International Labor Organization, fatalities as a result of accidents and diseases related to work actually amount to total of 2.78-million deaths annually, with 374-million more being injured or sick due to non-fatal circumstances at work. These not only cause employees to take extended leaves, but can also leave a gaping hole in the production of the company as well. Creating a safe working environment is not only something extremely crucial to your business’ success, but also extremely crucial to the safety of your workers. Here’s how to do this:

  • Try to make an assessment of the safety of your premises before modifying any plans. Try to compile all the plans and protocols you have and compare them with respect to the current status of your working environment. How do these protocols hold up given the condition of your workplace? Do all of these instructions still apply to the current status of the workplace and your operations, or do things have to be adjusted? Try to put these elements for consideration.

  • What do you think are risks in the workplace that have to be addressed? Try to look into your accident report logs and look for the most common and frequent causes of workplace injuries and absences in your premises. How much of these is a result of human error, and how much of these is something your company can address? What sort of equipment and/or modifications do you have to do in order to fix these? Try to take note of these as well.
  • How soon do you need the above changes to be applied? Try to look into your working schedule so far and assess as to whether or not repairs should happen immediately, or if they can be divided into different “parts” depending on your budget. Try to assess the need to work on all of these repairs and modifications at once, and what gear and/or equipment you may need to improve the status of your workplace’s safety.
  • How knowledgeable are your personnel when it comes to safety procedures and protocol? How often have you been practicing your safety drills, and how much do they know about the safety of your premises? Try to test them and see if they can remember the protocol you’ve established in your handbook. If you think there’s a lack of unity and concern from your staff, try to hire a trainer to be able to guide them towards understanding the importance of learning how to keep themselves safe in case of disasters.


Remember, when it comes to business strategies on making a safer working environment, it’s important to have a compromise between your business goals and your workplace’s condition. Being able to strike a balance between the two will not only afford you a safer working environment but a more efficient one as well. If you’re looking into the legal aspects of making your workplace safer, you can also click here to learn more.

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