
What is the current situation between China and the United States’ trade relations? Find out here

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The latest data that were gathered on the US-China trade showed an indication that the latter is not entirely doing what it should be doing in terms of reducing its very excessive surpluses in purchasing American products that clearly hurt the latter’s economy even though both countries have been long trading partners since the 1970s.

China apparently declined Washington’s interference in its current trade policy and should proceed in a more unilateral way if it is necessary to square its trading accounts with the United States.

This is happening due to the ongoing protracted tariff battle that can severely damage its access to the markets in the United States leaving them without any advantage, as sources of technology and financial instruments that are in a dollar-dominated monetary system used worldwide which deeply affected the china us trade relations.

In an economic management level, China’s old systematic and its excessive trade surpluses with the United States cannot do anything on solving the issues in terms of savings. That alone is a simple identity in the national accounts that reflects Washington’s unforgivable negligence of a balanced growth as well as Beijing’s rapid and very aggressive one-sided pursuit in its economic development which ironically has been receiving a lot of help from investments coming from the United States and free technology transfers and open markets for both the products and services coming from China according to south china sea news.

China should be credited for its hard work to take advantage of their trade with the United States; however, they are now having a rude awakening that their surplus trade with the US will not last long because of President Donald Trump changed their policies in trade with China.

Because of this, it is now clear for Beijing to know that they are moving in reducing their dependence on the external demand with their trade partners as they give more importance to the domestic spending through effective growth vectors such as investing on poverty eradication, education, urbanization, infrastructure, and also widening their social welfare programs in the mainland China.

Also, they are very aggressive in providing loans to smaller neighboring countries such as a partnership in infrastructure and economy, despite getting the international backlash for unfair interests that comes with these partnerships.

In terms of investments, it could be true that the United States may have slowed down its trade adjustment processes with its unnecessary incursions into the economic legislation of China, however, it is not an excuse for their very low purchases of American products or the absence of the drastic cuts in Chinese exports for the markets in the United States.

This could get worse according to economic experts as Washington is very adamant in posting heftier tariffs to Chinese exports especially that Beijing will not seize its encroachment in the South China Sea.