How Can You Raise Funds for A Good Cause Using Reusable Bags?
Fundraising is often done to increase money to invest in a good cause. There are several noble activities for which people raise funds. Selling green, clean and environmentally sustainable services or products is one of the ways to raise funds. In this article, you will learn about a few more effective incredible eco-friendly ideas to do fundraising for a noble cause.
Reusable Shopping Bags
Plastic bags are generally made from petroleum oil and takes around a thousand years to decompose. When these bags are consumed by marine life or cows, and other terrestrial animals then it leads to their death. Looking at this danger, the use of reusable shopping bags is very essential.
Customized reusable bags help you raise funds while protecting nature. These bags are frequently used by people. Available in remarkable styles, these versatile bags are ideal for use at different places such as organizations, schools, gym, library, etc. Some of them include customized laminated tote bags, full color bags, customized canvas tote bags, customized non-woven tote bags, customized recycled plastic tote bags and a few more.
Custom Earth is one of the leading companies that provide a wide range of environment-friendly custom shopping bags for people. Bags made from reusable, and recycled materials such as hemp, ripstop nylon, and cotton twill, are environment-friendly, easy to decompose, and easy to convenience.
Your organization can take an initiative to sell customized reusable shopping bags to people and raise funds for charity works. These bags do not cost much and are very functional. It is a good method for educational organizations, sports teams, cheerleading teams, and school clubs.
Another eco-friendly product for a fundraiser organization is to plant trees in environmentally sensitive regions. Every card that you sell implies a tree planted in the national forest.
Organic Seeds
If it is a spring month, then organic vegetable seeds, and herb are also a good way to raise funds and help in encouraging the growth of trees, and plants.
Energy-Saving Products
Everyone wants to save on their utility bills. Energy saving is also one of the ways to conserve the environment and raise funds. You can sell products, that include compact fluorescent lightbulbs, energy-saving power strips, LED holiday lights, and other water-saving products for your home.
Hunger Games
Hunger games are a fun way to raise funds. It is environmentally responsible means that is appropriate for children of varying age groups. By paying an entry fee, people can participate in these games.
These games include archery, paintball target shooting, eating contest, water balloon fight, obstacle course, and design contest. Whatever is collected in the form of the entry fee for these games is used to raise funds for the event.
Organic Fair
You can even host an outdoor or indoor fair that is a good way to bring your attention to organic products manufactured by local businesses. You can organize fair for beauty products, solar energy products, electric cars, fashion products, foods, etc.
These are some of the environmentally responsible ways using which you can raise funds for a social cause. A reusable bag is daily essentiality and a practical item that serves the dual benefit of raising money, as well as conserving the environment.