Stress can occur both in psychological and physiological. It can also be in positive and negative. Stress is positive when it is act as the motivator to gain something. Stress is negative when the person facing the problems and emotions. Some of the common problems such as headache, stomach upset, chest pain, weight gain etc. Take care of your health and mind
The employees may work on rotational shift. So they do not have the proper food and sleep. Because of working on several shifts it may affect the personal life and also family life. Student life is full of gathering new experience, demands, deadlines etc. Life changes like sudden death of our loved once can affect the person totally and put to stress. It affects the aspect of life. You may fell like mental, changing behavior and negative thoughts. Mostly IT company employees are affected due to overload of work, deadlines, target and pressure. This may damage the healthy life.
Effects of stress on body: Headache, muscle pain, memory loss, sleeping problem, weight gain, chest pain, stomach problem and upset etc.
Effect of stress on emotion: Restless, anger, depression, lack of concentration, felling overwhelmed etc.
Effect of stress on behavior: Sleeping little, alcohol, tobacco use, under eating, angry.
Some Of The Suggestions For The Stress
We have to spend enough time for relaxation and meditation. Have some funs and playing to distract your mind. Exercising and yoga is the main thing to relief. Avoid using of alcohol, nicotine, junk food, tobacco and other drugs items .Using these items continuously will result of longer term problem, such as weight gain, obesity and alcoholism. This may affect the health problem. Take a sleep in night at least six to eight hours. Spend more time with your family and friends. Take some healthy food like fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Tips For Dealing With Stress And Live Healthy Life
Stop thinking of negative thought. Don’t focus on the past and future life, accept the present life. Spend more than 15-20 minutes in quite place with positive reflection. Avoid the negative thought and response only the positive thought. Concentrate in meditation and yoga. Close your eyes and sit silently in your favorite place. Take deep breathe in and out slowly for few minutes. Find the moment that you enjoy and spend time to release tension. Prepare the list of the important thing that you have to practice each and every day without fail.